This Week In University Counselling: Grade 12

May 24-June 3

Messages that ALL STUDENTS need to review... so take a look:

Appointments to see a university counsellor

To see one of the University Counsellors, you must make an appointment using our on-line booking system.

To book an appointment, you need to be logged into the Brentwood system through your school email account. Also, you must ensure that you have opened your Google Calendar at least once to ensure that the times between the two systems are in sync.

To access our on-line appointment system, click HERE to go to the correct page on the University Counselling website... 

Although we shouldn’t have to tell you, do not make an appointment during a class—academic, arts or athletics—you cannot skip to attend a University Counselling appointment!

university counselling final update & GRADUATION CEREMONY READOUT form

In order to capture ALL of the information regarding your applications, we ask that you take time to complete the Form below. We know you may not have ALL of the updates to offer, so you can return to the form to provide further information.

We also take this opportunity to get information from you concerning the Graduation Ceremony in June, so this Form is very important.

ALL GRADE 12s NEED TO FILL THIS OUT, PLEASE... and not everybody has...


The scope of the work required to prepare for the end of year is ENORMOUS! We need your help to move it along!

The following students HAVE NOT YET submitted their Form. You need to do so IMMEDIATELY:

The following students indicated that they needed to return to the Form to provide UPDATES. Please do so AS SOON AS YOU CAN:

university HOUSING

To secure housing at your university of choice, you will inevitably have to act in a very specific timeline. Deposits, housing contracts... all of these demand timely action, and ignoring the communication from schools about these matters is costly... already, there are some Grade 12s who have lost the opportunity to secure university housing due to inaction and not paying attention. DO NOT GET ADDED TO THIS SORRY AND SAD LIST. Research! Inform yourself! Be clear on exactly what you must do and when!

You friendly neighbourhood University Counselling team is happy to help you navigate this critical piece of your post-secondary experience!


At some universities, their system for Course Registration for next year is already open! If you are planning on attending, you need to ensure your offer is accepted and map out your courses sooner rather than later. The university counsellors would be happy to assist you, even at a distance, through navigating the system… you usually just need a little guidance before you can do it on your own!

Course registration at some other popular universities will happen later. Here are some key timelines:

ordering your ministry transcript for universities

No matter where you are planning to attend, you will need to order your Final Transcript from the Ministry of Education to be sent to your School of Choice...

Universities in Canada

Universities in the Rest of the World

It is easy to get it done using your BCeID and ordering the Transcript at StudentTranscript Services. LET'S GET IT DONE!

The following students have NOT submitted a transcript order with the Ministry of Education (as of May 23) to their FINAL DESTINATION SCHOOL:

This list is INCOMPLETE because there are so many of you who have NOT completed the Final Update Form for us to doublecheck!!

Messages that SELECT STUDENTS need to review:

University of victoria: Registration 101

Maggie Messer, UVic Student Recruitment Officer, will be returning to campus to run this very important sessions about Course Planning and Registration for students who will be attending University of Victoria on Tuesday, May 27, 2:00-3:00pm in Woodward 303. It is very important that you attend to learn everything you need to know about building a timetable and enrolling in courses. If you have an Arts commitment that day, please check with your teacher and seek permission to be excused from your Arts to attend this session.

UK Admission Decisions

international student visas

International students who will need to apply for visas to attend university in either the US or Canada need to make sure they are getting on with the process. The University Counsellors can assist you in applying, but as the process takes time, we need to get started.

In both cases, documentation proving that you have the financial resources available to cover the costs of your education for next year, at least, is required, so parents will have to move on that.

Please see Mr. Rodrigues for any questions that you have about visas/permits.