Archived Presentations

Building Your List 2024.pdf

USA Sundays #5: Building Your List

Here are the PDF slides of the presentation.

Direct-Entry Overseas Programs

Here are the PDF slides of the presentation.

Overseas Direct-Entry Programs_2024.pdf
Universities in the UK_2024.pdf

UK Universities

Here are the PDF slides of the presentation.

USA Sundays #4: Advice from the Grade 12s

Here are the PDF slides of the presentation.

Advice from Grade 12_2024.pdf
College Essays, Part 2_2024.pdf

USA Sundays #3: College Essays, Part 2

Here are the PDF slides of the presentation.

USA Sundays #2: College Essays, Part 1

Here are the PDF slides of the presentation.

College Essays Part 1 2024.pdf
Intro to US Applications 2024.pdf

USA Sundays #1: Introduction to the US Application Process

Here are the PDF slides of the presentation.

Grade 10: Grade 11 Course Selections for 2024-25

Presented to Grade 10 class on Monday, February 5, 2024.

Here are the PDF slides of the presentation.

Course Selection for Grade 10s_2024.pdf
Course Selection for Grade 11s_2024.pdf

Grade 11: Grade 12 Course Selections for 2024-25

Presented to Grade 11 class on Monday, January 29, 2024.

Here are the PDF slides of the presentation.

Grade 11: Post-Secondary Planning on a Global Scale

Presented to Grade 11 class on Monday, October 16, 2023.

Here are the PDF slides of the presentation.

Grade 11 Life Beyond Brentwood 2023-24.pdf