
Here are the University Counselling presentations given to different student groups since the beginning of the year:

USA Sundays Workshop #1

Here are the PDF slides of the presentation.

Intro to US Applications 2025.pdf
Course Selection for Grade 10s_2025.pdf

Grade 10: Grade 11 Course Selections

Here are the PDF slides of the presentation.

Grade 11: Grade 12 Course Selections

Here are the PDF slides of the presentation.

Course Selection for Grade 11s_2025.pdf
Grade 11 Life Beyond Brentwood 2024-25.pdf

Grade 11: Post-Secondary Planning on a Global Scale

Here are the PDF slides of the presentation.

USA Sundays #6: Applications!

Here are the PDF slides of the presentation.

Applications! 2024-25.pdf
Grade 12 UC Orientation 2024.pdf

Grade 12 University Counselling Orientation

Here are the PDF slides of the presentation.