This Week In University Counselling: Grade 10
February 28-march 10
Appointments to see YOUR university counsellor
To see your assigned University Counsellor, you must make an appointment using our on-line booking system.
To book an appointment, you need to be logged into the Brentwood system through your school email account. Also, you must ensure that you have opened your Google Calendar at least once to ensure that the times between the two systems are in sync.
Click the button to proceed to our Appointment Booking page:
Grade 11 COurse selections
If your parents completed the re-enrolment process for next year, you were instructed to complete and submit your Course Selections for Grade 11 over the recent February midterm. There remain a number of you who still need to submit your Course Selections. Please do so ASAP! Here is the list of students who need to get this done:
Adrian C., Julian G., Musa H., Nick K., Orion L., Cheng Zhao L., Tanaka M., Claus R., Kionah W., Rose W.
"What Do I Do Now?"
Now, take some time to discuss your selections with your Advisors, your Houseparents, and any teachers who might be able to offer insight into your potential for success in the courses you have selected.
"What if I Want to Make Changes?"
If you want to make any changes to your selections, the Course Registration Form remains open to you to go back into and edit your selections. It will remain open until the end of the term.
"Should I Come to See a University Counsellor Now to Review my Course Selections?"
If you are ready to confirm your Course Selections, then, Yes!
Everyone will be required to meet a University Counsellor during the spring term to confirm course selections. If you are still considering your options, then you can wait to have that appointment. Regardless, be sure you have submitted the Course Selection Form!
If you are coming in to review and confirm your Course Selections, please be sure to bring your laptop or a device on which you can access the Course Selection Form. If we need to make changes, it is better that they are done through your access of the Form.
"Can I Come into University Counselling to Ask a Question?"
If you have any questions for us, then, Yes!
Of course, we are happy to see you if you have questions regarding courses for next year. Please be mindful, however, that we are still busy with the Grade 12s and their university applications, so try to find answers to your questions on the Course Selection website first.
"Where Can I Review Course Information Again?"
You can return to the Course Selection website for course information. You can also access PDF slides of the presentation offered to the Grade 10 class, you may find them in the Presentations section of Student Resources on this website.
Grade 11 Course Selection Questions Form
There were many submitted questions on the Grade 11 Course Selection Questions Form. Find the answers below. We invite you to submit more questions, if you have them, and we will continue to provide answers for everyone to see.
PSAT 10 - APril
If you are interested in eventually exploring university options in the United States, there will be an opportunity for Grade 10 students to dip their toes into the standardized testing regimen with the PSAT 10 in April. This practice version of the SAT is unofficial and meant to provide you with insight into how to cope with that style of testing. The summer between Grades 10 and 11 is the perfect time to begin your SAT preparation in earnest, so the PSAT 10 offers a great introduction into the process.
If you want to write the PSAT 10 in April (the specific date has been set just yet), please sign up in the very quick form below.
"What's involved in this post-secondary planning process?"
Planning for your post-secondary life after Brentwood can be a confusing and intimidating process... that's why University Counselling is here to be with you every step of the way! For the process to go well, however, you and your parents have to be informed consumers! That means keeping up with information (here on this website), but also anticipating what's to come. How do you do that?
Take some time to review the Timelines section of this website. It will give you and your parents a broad view of what's involved at various stages through the process, now and into the future! Certainly, it will answer questions you have about the critical times that demand action from you!